About us!

- Fourthree.
- Here to rock your world.
With happiness, smiles, pain and tears
I know you'll be there throughout the years.
Beat us. Hate us. You can never break us.
Age groups: 16, 17. Kick 4/3's ass and we'll kick yours 43 times harder in return.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
as you can see, the countdown timer has been put up.its counting down to our first paper,that will falls on the september holidays. :D o6 september will be our mother tounge language paper. 07 september will be our SS paper. and on the 08 september will be our english paper. :D jiayou! we've still got about 2 months to go fourthree.start mugging for the coming prep exams ayye? take care. ^^