About us!
- Fourthree.
- Here to rock your world.
With happiness, smiles, pain and tears
I know you'll be there throughout the years.
Beat us. Hate us. You can never break us.
Age groups: 16, 17. Kick 4/3's ass and we'll kick yours 43 times harder in return.
Monday, June 28, 2010
10. Become The Person You Want To Be
First day of school being greeted with smiles and laughter was quite heart warming. All the teasing are back and I'm not surprised. I hope everyone missed each other and is glad to be back to see each other's faces. Peopleeeeee, stop sleeping so much in class and get some sleep at home instead. Fix your bedtime and stick to it. Take turns to update this site pleaaaaase. And you, you should learn to be nicer.