Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I have 5 fingers,
The middle one's for you (:
I'm updating this only because of what happened today and I have a strong feeling that whoever that did it is gonna read this. I'm now going to attempt to make you feel guilty like crazy and I hope you regret it and do something about it like returning back the money and apologizing because you weren't thinking at that point of time when you decided to steal it. I hope you get hit by a bus, nawww I'm kidding but the class really hope you return it. You can do so secretly and no one would know it's you. Find a way to return the money safely back to Siti okay?
What were you thinking when you took it? Siti have been collecting the money and bugging the class to pay up and when she finally managed to make most of us pay you just have to take it all away. It was only today she forgotten to bring it along with her during Recess why did you have to do it? Is it thrilling for you to get $108 so easily? We're classmates after all and we just wanted to have a nice BBQ as a class together since we can't afford to have a chalet. So please? Return it? You don't have to apologize if you don't want to but at least have a heart and just give it back. It's disappointing how someone in our class stole it or is involved. Actually it isn't all about the money it's about how we're a class of 35 people and we thought we were hitting off along with each other well enough and we trust and we aaaaaaah I don't know but really..
But this incident made us realised how nice our teachers are being so willing to help us fork out money to make the BBQ happen and of course the rest of the class, making an effort to help find out who did it and consoling and all. It was really nice to see heh heh :D
Whatever it is, Kanye West says "How could you be so heartless?" Oke sorry for being lalalame but it popped into my mind and I knew I had to type it out. I really hope we have a blast on Monday despite what happened today

P.S Siti, don't worry too much about it because it's not your fault we have someone like that in our class. It sucks, I know |:
And to you, whoever that did it or knew who it was, please help out a little? Cliche but it's never too late to repent and change for the better. Isn't it more comfortable to be living with a clear conscience? We all know people make mistakes. Thank you in advance if you intend to return the $108.