congrats to This Twisted Apathy!(TTA) got through the auditions that was held last friday (: and im proud to say that they will be performing on stage during the Talent Quest, which is 6th of august.the group members from TTA is no other than ohkarkheng,raywyn,melvin and syazwan. since TTA is made up of fourthree, i think we should give them our fullest support hmmm? well, the plan goes like this, we will be making a banners & boards for our beloved classmates. ((: we hope to get your fullest support, by just chipping in $3 each so that we can afford to get the banners and boards ready. puhhhh-lease. BUT for those who have difficulties paying up, its okay. you dont have to pay. (: im sure we want to give them our fullest support right? to TTA all the best, make us proud okay? (:
p/s : please pay the $3 to haikal latest by next friday which is 30 july 2010. ms lim will talk more about it tmrw during the home room period. alright peeps. and yeahhh, prelims are just around the corner. study harddd ! ^^
About us!

- Fourthree.
- Here to rock your world.
With happiness, smiles, pain and tears
I know you'll be there throughout the years.
Beat us. Hate us. You can never break us.
Age groups: 16, 17. Kick 4/3's ass and we'll kick yours 43 times harder in return.