About us!

- Fourthree.
- Here to rock your world.
With happiness, smiles, pain and tears
I know you'll be there throughout the years.
Beat us. Hate us. You can never break us.
Age groups: 16, 17. Kick 4/3's ass and we'll kick yours 43 times harder in return.
Monday, July 26, 2010
We’re teenagers. We’re still learning. Shit happens. We cheat, we lie, we criticize, we fight over stupid things. We fall in love and end up getting hurt. We bitch, bitch, bitch. We bitch about bitches being bitches. We party till dawn, we drink till we pass out. We hate people for no reason, we call each other names. We stay up late having deep conversations, or stay up late just to think. We go out and have a kick ass time with our friends and those will be the memories. One day that’s going to all pass. You can waste your time focusing on all the bad things, but one day you’re gonna wish you were still a teenager. So make the most of what you have now, forget all the bullshit and drama and live your fucking life with a sexy smile on your face.
Credits: waitalittlelonger