See! Told you it's gonna end faster than expected. What are we gonna do when we miss each other? If you guys are willing to fork out more money, we can all meet up and collect it then we could totally book another chalet. We can start planning on our next class outing right nananananow too, you guys just have to voice out the place and all preferably over at Facebook or the tagboard or something somewhere okiedokie. Please do okay? The faster you voice out your opinion the faster we'll get to see each other. That is if you want it to happen. You guys probably secretly or openly miss each other already. I know! Nyeh why didn't we vow to keep in contact.. and never e-v-e-r lose contact last night?

Last but definitely not least, we've all gotta thank Janan for not giving up on getting the chalet. Ms Lim, Mdm Shakirah and the rest that weren't there, you're not forgotten! The lovely surprise birthday cake, the food and everything else. We owe it to the planners and that includes Siti Khadijah <3
I guess this is it for now.. we'll see each other when we see each other ):