Mmmm when was the last time I typed something really long and meaningful here to make our class feel better? I don't know if anyone actually bothers coming here to read anymore but it's okay I'll try to say something hoping one day you'll chance upon here again. Felt like 4/3 was being put on an emotional roller coaster ride today. First we were all happy then we were mad at teachers then we found tears then hope came.
And everyone in it sat still as a rose but we were moving somehow
Back to where we started losing who we were
Everybody knows that you'd break your neck to keep your chin up
Open your eyes and the drops come
And a snail raced down to your neck
And looked up but you were smiling somehow
Afraid of what I'll say that will offend anyone and make myself sound really ridiculous or get hated on but I wish or rather hope, since I learned it myself that wishes don't come true that's why there's a term called wishful thinking anyway back to what I was trying to say was that I hope to anyone that's filled with hatred can just throw it all away. Stop the hating, please? We're all only humans, we aren't perfect, we blow up we make mistakes and we learn from it. I know what I say won't really change anyone's mind about the school or the teachers in it but it's worth trying.
Why do you think the teachers bother scolding or saying whatever that irritates us? I'm sure it's exhausting repeating the same ol' thing over and over again. So today we got to know something from the teachers, that they're all trying, helping to talk about your good points to the principle and all. We only look at their negative side, how they won't just stop nagging and saying stuff to us that might hurt but really, it made sense how we don't even try hearing them out or looking at their good side like how they actually spoke up for you to the principle just so it'll lessen whatever you're in. They're just trying to help and maybe we got it the wrong way. Sometimes we should take a step back and look at what really is happening. Forget the hating and just reflect what we've all been going through because everything happens for a reason okay?
Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow realized what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now
Backbeat the word was on the street that the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before but you never really had a doubt
And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
But I don't know how
Because maybe you're gonna be the one who saves me
And after all you're my wonderwall
For those who weren't in class and have no idea what really happened.. the whole class and a few teachers had a talk, a really serious one right from the heart. So maybe really, Mr Shafie isn't such a bad person. Not like that sentence is gonna help whoever that really doesn't like him but I don't know!!! Teachers are only humans and it's so hard for me to try to think of something to say so you'll just give the teachers a chance, to know that they don't mean to hurt or put you into shit like getting suspended, detentions, slips and forms whatever!!! It's for your own good, noooo reaallllyyyy.
Honestly this is a tad bit weird for me to say all these but nyee it's okay because I have a teeny weeny bit of hope that it might make things better or at least I really, really ,really hope so.
I'm not gonna lie that it's really disappointing to the point where it's soooooooo hard not to cry. It's been like what? 9 months as a class together? Or more if you count last year in. Do we really wanna watch us separating in such a way? About the grad night, look, I know I am nobody to say this, to ask the few of you to not lose hope about not being able to attend that event. Nothing's confirmed okay? N-o-t-h-i-n-g. You've got time, don't tell me it's too late and blahblahblah. There's still about 2 weeks for them to officially decide. Maybe it's true that probably there's a 80% percent chance that you won't be able to go for grad night but why the hell would you okay sorry I meant why would you want to give up that 20% of hope if 4/3 meant something to you? It's never too late to change for the better. Guys.. act like angels!!!!!!! It'll work, it'll make people change they're minds about letting you in for grad night or not. Please, this isn't bullshit to make you feel better but we're all just really hoping you guys would simply just be good and behave yourself. God, I'm only a few months older than you guys (No not a year I'm not that old my birthday's in November) and I feel like an old hag nagging in cyberspace. Worse come to worse we'll just all dressed up like we're going to some big event and we'll just all chill outside have dinner and talk one day, fun yes?
Every single one matters okay? I don't care if you or you or you or you or you might be mean to me or made fun of me or made me feel like ultimate crap or made me cry. Shit happens then we move on. And I want 4/3 to move on to somewhere happier and always to have that bit of hope. Things might suck, things always suck but no one and I repeat no one is having life the easy way. You look at her/ him and you think oh right they're all happy people they don't have to go through shit like I do. Thing is everyone have problems. Am I getting out of point? |:
Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find a better place to play
You said that you'd never been
But all the things that you've seen will slowly fade away
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
"But don't look back in anger"
Please don't put your life in the hands
To E(NG), come back when you're ready and make it quick. D00d you're like my bestie remember? Aren't you supposed to be there in class like a bestie should? To J, although we don't quite talk anymore.. we'll see you in about 7 days. Hope you're coping well with studies (What am I talking obviously you are, you're always practicing maths) and that you can differentiate what's right and wrong. Be happy not crazy.. a bit of crazy is okay just not too much. To K, d00d aren't you me and Siti's son? Aren't you supposed to follow your parents footsteps ahem the good points how we pay attention in class (more than you do) and how we don't give up hope or shout at teachers. Oh right everyone should stop the vulgarities in Chinese in Hokkien in English in Malay in Tamil in whatever languages, please?
You 3 better return as better people. No more anger and hatred within yourself or towards anyone in school which includes yep just everyone and anyone you can find in school. Pleeeeeeease. I know I sound pathetic but please, really. For meee? Nah kidding for the class, for your bros, for your classmates, for your friends and for the teachers

I'm really thankful if anyone actually reads every word above. I've been blogging for years now and I've never written such a long one that meant soooo much and for so many people to read. Sometimes I can't express what exactly I want to voice out so I like having lyrics to help elaborate. Don't be hating on me just because you think I have bad taste in music okay?! I hope everyone's feeling okay and that this entry doesn't get listed for being pointless (Stabs self) Xoxo.
Awww what am I gonna do when this year ends? I'm gonna miss every single ounce of 4/3.
Won't you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you the other yous in class too?
Whether you're fat tall ugly short have curly hair have straight hair have soft hair have rough hair rude nice polite mean evil talkative good looking clever smart lazy sweet helpful lovely hairy or no hair all I still like everyone of you. Wait wait wait I shall squeeze in a bit of Aerosmith here, I could stay awake just to hear you breathing. Watch you smile while you are sleeping. While you're far away and dreaming. I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. I could stay lost in this moment forever. Every moment spent with you is a moment I treaaaaasure Hahahhaha yeeeee.
Heh this is so gay but so good and meaningful.
To all of you, stay happy, healthy and out of trouble.
Do your best-est-est-est for N levels too of course <3
MEH. My fingers hurt ): But it's okay (:
P.S Miss Lim, you're good enough for 4/3.
Somebody fill in Cikgu on what she's missing oke? x